Thursday, February 27, 2014

Western Day at Rolle's Lynda Vista. Feb 22, 2014

Geronimo?  Who dug him up..........

Squatting Cow and Pocahontis

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Teacher!  I gotta go!

Indian Princess is the winner!

Nothing like riding a Pink Pony to make a young lady smile!

Chief Jerry has a nice new logo on his new contemplation room.  Next comes the half moon.

The Quarter in Lynda Vista

As the shirt says, "We be Party n"

Music and food at Jerry and Marlene's

Preparing for Western Days

The Jail. All the following pictures were graciously taken by Myrna.  Pat and I needed to be out of town during the Western Day Party.  I won't try adding captions to these pictures.  I posted less than half of those she took.  Several were sort of the same, so I just picked examples.  Looks like a good time was had by all!  Thanks Myrna, for the pictures.....